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A Protocol Buffers Build Toolchain

·5 mins

Tl;dr #

Go to the protobuf-toolchain-template repo and figure out the rest.

Introduction #

Protocol Buffers, or Protobuf, developed by Google, is widely used for serializing structured data, offering a more efficient alternative to formats like XML or JSON. However, getting started with Protobuf is a “batteries not included” proposition. The best place to start is the Protocol Buffer Basics: Go doc which provides plenty of background on using Protobuf, but is hardly a step by step introduction.

The hands on section of that doc simply states

If you haven’t installed the compiler, download the package and follow the instructions in the README.

The link in that step sends you to the protobuf repo releases page where you’re faced with a list of zip and tar files to guess^H^H^H^H^Hchoose from. Nowhere is the issue of build system or toolchain discussed head on. The simplistic “install it somewhere and here’s the command” approach is not adequate for a production Protobuf based service.

In particular, since the Protocol Buffers compiler and plugins are outside whatever package managing you’re using (pip, poetry, npm, yarn, …), how do we lock that part of the build, too?

That, then, is the point of this article. We’ll walk through a simple Makefile based Protobuf build that versions the protoc compiler and any plugins or Protobuf extensions in use.

The reference repository and the app in it include a working client/server example based on gRPC. Though gRPC is a common pairing for Protobuf, keep in mind Protobuf is a serialization format, not a protocol, web stack, or network server by itself. Protobuf is utilized by other (non-gRPC) system such as twirp, envoy, etc., and can also be used by itself, much like the json library in your favorite language SDK.

What’s a Toolchain? #

ChatGPT (after some redirect prompting) says:

A “toolchain” in software development is a suite of tools used in a coordinated manner to build and maintain applications, especially those involving complex processes or specialized components. When developing an application that employs Protocol Buffers, the toolchain is central to the workflow. It typically encompasses the protocol compiler, its various plugins, the supporting libraries, and the build scripts—like Makefiles—that orchestrate the setup and execution of these tools. This integrated set of tools is essential for transforming high-level design into a functional software product, ensuring consistency, efficiency, and reliability throughout the development process.

Just Do It #

Before diving into the build code itself, let’s “just build it”, and give it a quick “go”. The client-server application is the gRPC Hello World from the grpc-go repo.

The commands below assume a recent Go install, either with a version manager like g, from, Homebrew, etc.

OSX Note: change make to make PROTOC_ARCH=osx-aarch or make PROTOC_ARCH=osx-x86_64, depending on your platform.

git clone
./greeter_server/main &
./greeter_client/main --name everybody

Build System Walkthrough #

…And what you can expect to change when you use this template for your project.

Toolchain Build #

Usually the toolchain build is done once at project startup, committed with artifacts not excluded in toolchain/.gitignore and touched lightly after that, e.g., when adding a plugin or updated plugins or the protocol compiler itself.

toolchain/Makefile #

  • Go modules path for the toolchain package. Note that GO_PACKAGE is typically set by an invoking Makefile.
  • Protocol compiler architecture, defaulting to Linux on x86_64. The top level Makefile will set this when invoked. (Todo: script auto-detect for PROTOC_ARCH.)
PROTOC_ARCH := $(if $(PROTOC_ARCH),$(PROTOC_ARCH),linux-x86_64)
  • Protocol compiler plugin builds. Fyi, protoc plugins transform the Protobuf file into artifacts, usually, but not always, code files. protoc-gen-doc is a widely used example of a documentation producing protoc plugin.
bin/protoc-gen-go: go.sum | bin
      export GOBIN=$$(pwd)/bin && go install

toolchain/tools.go #

  • Go module plugins for protoc. Each line should have an entry in the toolchain/Makefile as cited above. Note that the build process will create a go.sum that will “lock” the toolchain versions of these.
import (
	_ ""
	_ ""

Application Build #

Makefile #

  • Set GO_PACKAGE to your project Go Modules path. This Makefile with run the go mod init with it.
  • The source .proto files to compile.
PROTO_FILES := proto/helloworld/helloworld.proto
  • Protocol compiler architecture, defaulting to Linux on x86_64. Change to osx-aarch_64 or osx-x86_64 for OSX.
PROTOC_ARCH := $(if $(PROTOC_ARCH),$(PROTOC_ARCH),linux-x86_64)
  • The application build. Many apps will have a single “main” target, though this example has two. You will need to change the all target and its dependencies. You may need or want to update the wildcard build rule for %/main, e.g., move it to top level of the project, add more specific go build options, or replace this section entirely. Note that for most projects “main” can depend on all of the protoc build artifacts. As project complexity and maturity grows, expect this section to be revised.
# Build go program from main.go
%/main: %/main.go go.mod $(PROTOC_GO_FILES)
      go mod tidy
      go build -o $@ $<

all: greeter_client/main greeter_server/main

greeter_client/main: greeter_client/main.go
greeter_server/main: greeter_server/main.go
  • Typically you should commit all build artifacts not excluded in the top level and toolchain .gitignore files. Specifically, the go.mod, go.sum and source files in each proto directory should be committed. The former “lock” the build and the latter provider importable Protobuf client stubs.

Protobuf Source Files #

  • Create your project .proto files in proto/{name}/{name}.proto and update the Makefile. Be sure your option go_package is set correctly and corresponds to GO_PACKAGE and your proto module name. E.g., for the helloworld example:
option go_package = "";

PS #

Questions or comments to repo Discussions. Bugs, feature requests to Issues.